CFL Final Season Without Ottawa REDBLACKS

The CFL kicks off the 2013 season on Thursday, this is the last CFL season without an Ottawa CFL TEAM. Next June, the Ottawa REDBLACKS will be in the mix, boosting the number of CFL teams to nine.
Here is a bit of recent history on Ottawa’s CFL run.
- The CFL first lost the Rough Riders in 1996
- The Ottawa Renegades had played short seasons from 2002-2005.
- For the 2014/15 CFL season, the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG) brought back a CFL team: The Ottawa REDBLACKS
There is action on several fronts, most visibly on the site, with the Lansdowne Park construction where workers are targeting a June 2014 finish date for the new stadium on the massive re-development grounds of Lansdowne Park.
The Ottawa REDBLACKS currently have no head coach in place, and not a single player signed to a contract, the Rouge et Noir organization is busy building a foundation for the organization despite working out of temporary offices on Industrial Avenue, which has also been the administrative home of the OHL Ottawa 67’s since they were kicked out of Lansdowne due to construction.
By September, the organization will set up an office at Shopper’s City East, where fans of the game can view conceptual models and take a stadium seat for a virtual test drive.
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With the help of a software program, fans will be able to check out the sight lines from any seat in the new house, without actually being in the house.
Since the name and logo launch on June 8, the club has nearly 9,000 priority registration numbers (PRN) – “virtual” season tickets – for $25 each.
On the football side of the operation, Ottawa’s general manager, Marcel Desjardins, has been poring over video of potential prospects as he starts the process of building a roster. The REDBLACKS won’t hire a coach until after the CFL season, but will have staff at all NFL camps in August to find cuts that could make Ottawa’s negotiation list.