FIFA 2015 Women’s World Cup of Soccer Games at Lansdowne

Lansdowne Park will host some of the 2015 women’s World Cup of soccer matches. Ottawa is sharing hosting duties with Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Montreal and Moncton, N.B. The tournament will happen between June 6 and July 5, 2015.
But under an agreement with the sport’s governing body, the city of Ottawa can’t look like a construction zone during the FIFA Women’s World Cup in 2015. The tournament will be held during Ottawa’s largest construction project, the $2.1-billion Confederation Line LRT won’t be finished until 2018.
The LRT tunnel will still be under construction, along with two stations about 3 km north of Lansdowne Park. The Lansdowne redevelopment should be done by the time the first match of the tournament is played in June 2015.
The agreement stipulates the city must keep bus service available for at least four hours after the end of each match in the tournament.
Ottawa was originally expected to also share the hosting role for the under-20 women’s world cup in 2014 but Lansdowne won’t be ready for an international event. Instead, the city is directing its efforts toward the larger 2015 tournament.
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According to a match schedule posted on FIFA’s website, Lansdowne will be hosting nine games on six days in June 2015. Here are the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup Canada Match Schedule Games played in Ottawa:
* Sun. June 7
* Sat. June 20
* Thur. June 11
* Mon. June 22
* Wed. June 17
* Fri. June 26