Lansdowne Park Construction Update Week April 1, 2013

Beginning in the April, foundations and sections of the new buildings will begin to go up in the urban village. This type of work will be ongoing and requires large quantities of concrete to be poured and finished in one pour. By completing the concrete pour at one time it will greatly improve the quality of the construction of the buildings. The size of the pours will on occasion require concrete activities to continue beyond the limits of the City’s noise by-law for construction projects.
An exemption to the noise by-law for concrete pours at Lansdowne has been approved by Council. This exemption allows for concrete-related activities only to continue into the evening up to 1a.m. on Monday to Saturday. These activities are not expected to be too disruptive to residents, and the City is working with the contractor to help ensure that the majority of the activities are done as early as possible to minimize any impacts. All other construction activities must comply with the requirements of the noise by-law.
The process for finishing concrete has been streamlined so that it can be completed more quickly, and whenever possible newer, quieter equipment is used to reduce noise. The contractor is also taking great care with the placement of lights for evening work in order to reduce the impact on nearby residents.
The soil compaction work is nearing completion at Lansdowne. A small area on the east side of the Horticulture Building near the dog park was planned to begin late this week, however, it will now be done on Tuesday, April 2. Due to the soil conditions in this area, the wood blocking that helps to mitigate some of the noise from the machine cannot be used and this short period of work may be louder than previous compaction activities. However, this will not cause any additional vibrations or other disruptions for residents and will take one to two days to finish.
There is a final area of soil on the northern edge of the Civic Centre that still requires compaction. This area is the furthest from nearby homes and vibrations should be reduced for residents. The wood blocking will be used to limit noise when the equipment moves to this area. Once finished, no further soil compaction will be required.
In addition, excavation for the foundations of the condominium tower at Bank and Holmwood are scheduled to begin next week. Work has also started on an underground storm water retention tank just east of the Aberdeen Pavilion.
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