Lansdowne Park Construction Update – Week of October 28, 2013

The construction of the shuttle loop and other urban park infrastructure will begin in the northeast corner of the site. The contractor will remove the remaining asphalt, excavate and install utilities. Access to the dog park as well as a few parking spots for park users will be maintained for as long as possible.
With this work underway, site employees will start parking their personal vehicles in the underground parking garage. Access will be provided from the Queen Elizabeth Drive.
Also early next week, access from Holmwood will be required to deliver some roofing materials for one of the retail buildings. This will take most of the morning, but traffic and parking will be maintained during the work. The contractor will also be working on the garage ramp at Holmwood beginning next week. While this work will be completed from within the site, there will be more activity in this location.
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Near the Bank Street Bridge there will be increased activity as the urban park contractor begins to use the secondary access road more frequently. Late in the week, there will also be pile driving activity as supports are installed for a new crane base near the bridge.
At the new south side stands, the construction of the Veil – the new wooden surround – began this week, and will continue for the next few months.
If you have questions about ongoing activities at Lansdowne, please contact the City of Ottawa project team at
So excited about this project! I grew up in the Glebe and was very sad to see the space
laying waste! This will be a great spot to shop, eat and be entertained.