Lansdowne Park Official Openings and Latest Update – Week of July 14, 2014

Over the next week there will be a lot of activity to get the site ready for the first REDBLACKS game on July 18 and the Fury FC game on July 20.
Additional pathways will be completed, safety fencing erected around the retail buildings and areas under construction, and the site will generally be cleaned and prepared for the public.
Testing and finalizing of all the stadium’s systems, alarms and lighting will also be completed this week.
In the urban park, the contractor is spreading top soil in preparation for laying sod in several areas.
Work to build the new north wall on the Horticulture Building will continue, and the contractor will start to insulate the new walls.
Lansdowne Park – Official Opening
Lansdowne Park Official Opening
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11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Celebrate Lansdowne’s rich history and exciting future at the official park opening!
On August 16 for an old-fashioned carnival and picnic in the park. The day will feature free concerts, exhibitions and activities for the entire family.
Explore the heritage, modern amenities and natural beauty of Ottawa’s newest world-class attraction.
Be among the first to experience this stunning new jewel in Ottawa’s crown.