Ottawa Farmers Market at Lansdowne Park

Sundays 8:00 am – 3:00 pm, starting May 3, 2015
Wednesdays and Fridays, 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
Aberdeen Square, Lansdowne Park
Driving to Lansdowne Park? Best accessed using the entrance at Queen Elizabeth Drive, underground parking is available underneath the market in Aberdeen Square. Limited street level parking is also available.
Parking along Bank Street is also available, free of charge, on Sundays. Underground parking is $1.50/30 minutes.
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For information on walking, cycling or taking transit to Lansdowne, as well as additional parking information, please visit the City of Ottawa’s page: Plan your trip to Lansdowne for details.
Sundays 10:00 am – 3:00 pm, starting January 11, 2015
Aberdeen Pavilion, Lansdowne Park
For the first time ever, Ottawa will have a year-round, producer-only farmers’ market. Now you can get your local grains, meats, cheeses, produce, locally produced baked goods, sweets and more. The market will be nestled, warm and cozy, inside the historic Aberdeen Pavilion.